Rules & Regulations
Please read our guide below for some useful driving tips and make sure that you have fully understood everything before you start your road trip.
- Drive on the left-hand side of the road.
- Seat belts must be worn by all occupants of the vehicle.
- Any child travelling in a motor vehicle must wear a seatbelt and if under the age of 14 must sit in the rear of the vehicle. A rear-facing child’s car seat must not be fitted in a seat with a front airbag.
- Don’t drink and drive, the legal blood alcohol limit is 0.100% (100mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood).
- Turning left on a red light after a full stop is allowed and legal.
- The use of a mobile phone whilst driving is strictly forbidden unless you are using a hands-free set.
- Always drive around a roundabout in a clockwise direction and give way to traffic approaching from the right. Once on a roundabout, do not stop to admit cars entering the roundabout from the left. Watch out for cars in the right-hand lane. If they are to your right and slightly ahead and they want to turn left, they have the right of way.
- At a four-way junction, the car who enters the junction first has the right of way.
- All drivers must give way to pedestrians on pedestrian crossings.
- You cannot overtake if there is a solid single or double white or yellow line in the centre of the road.
- The turning lane in the centre of some roads is designed to help drivers turn right across traffic. The lane should never be used for overtaking.
- Under the traffic law, when a school bus has its lights flashing and has stopped to allow children to get on or off, drivers are NOT permitted to pass the bus. This applies to vehicles approaching the bus from the front as well as those at the rear.
Please make sure that you are aware of all the road regulations before you start driving in the Cayman Islands.

Speed Limits
Standard legal limits when driving in the Cayman Islands, which may be varied by signs, for private vehicles without trailers are:
- Varies between 25-50 mph throughout the island.
- There are 15mph speed limits in place at dedicated school zones. At certain times of the day, warning lights flash outside the schools, indicating to drivers that they need to reduce their speed to 15mph or less.
Things to Bring Along
- Full UK driver’s licence
- Visitors driving permit.
Additional Information
Road conditions are very good throughout the region, but visitors should watch for wildlife which can sometimes stray onto roads outside the larger towns and cities.
Use caution when driving at night as many roads narrow without much shoulder.
The use of fogs lights is not allowed. The wattage has been deemed to be too high.
A vehicle carrying an overhanging load must mark the load with a red flag of at least 1ft x 1ft. If the object overhangs by more than 3ft then the vehicle must be accompanied by a police escort.